Employees & students
Educators & trainers
Certifiers & accreditors

You are a humanitarian actor and want to know what the level is of your employees and how they can develop
themselves further?

You are a humanitarian worker and want to know what your present level is
and how you can develop yourself?

You are providing training for humanitarian action and want to determine at what level
of learning your programme is targeting?

You want to certify and recognise prior learning of humanitarian workers or you want to verify the level
of an education programme applying for accreditation?

Establishing progressive levels
of learning in qualifications
Facilitates staff recruitment by helping you clarify the level required to fill job vacancies and understanding current qualification levels on the labour market.
Helps you to compare the levels of training programmes internationally and to make an informed choice whether it matches your level.
Supports you in comparing the learning outcomes of your qualifications with the levels of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning.
Provides you with an objective instrument to assess the EQF-level of formal, non-formal and informal learning.
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Exploring learning routes
for individual development
Facilitates to establish fitting staff training programmes and to track the occupational and personal development of individual staff.
Helps you to identify your knowledge, skills and competence levels on different aspects of humanitarian work, and plan your further education and training more easily.
Supports you to think in terms of learning outcomes as building blocks for specific specialisations and qualifications.
Provides you a further explanation of what EQF-levels can mean for different skills and competence sets in humanitarian action.
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Matching skills and competences
in the labour market
Facilitates the matching of skills and competence descriptions between humanitarian agents.
Helps you to compare how your mix of knowledge, skills and competences fits to the different classifications used on the labour market.
Supports you in your communication with the labour market how your qualification’s learning outcomes match with labour market demands for skills and competences.
Provides you the means to verify the demands for skills and competences in the labour market.
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The Humanitarian Action Qualification Framework (HA QF) is licenced under Creative Commons BY 3.0, which means it is free to use, adapt and redistribute under the condition that an appropriate credit is given, a link to the license, and an indication if changes were made. Read more

The Humanitarian Action Qualifications Framework (HA QF) has been developed to support lifelong learning and aims to contribute to labour market mobility. The framework has eight learning levels progressing from basic education up to university, and describes what each level means in terms of knowledge, skills and responsibility/autonomy. It covers both learning through general education, vocational education and training (VET) and higher education, as well as non-formal training and informal on-the-job learning.

The HA QF makes it possible for employers to better understand what qualifications and degrees mean and what a (potential) employee knows and can do. Employees and students can use the HA QF to determine at which level they operate and think, thereby stimulating their further career development.

The HA QF makes use of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL): a tool promoted by the European Union that provides a common reference framework linking national qualifications systems together and acts as a translation device to make qualifications more readable and understandable in terms of knowledge, skills and competence across different countries and systems. In the same way, the HA QF serves as a bridge between (formal) education and the humanitarian workforce in terms of qualifications that are acquired either at school/university or on the job.

The relevance of the HA QF rests in the fact that it serves as a framework in which the different humanitarian professions with their profiles, competences, skills and levels can be articulated, thus helping with cross-border and cross-sector recognition of diplomas, training, work experience and prior learning.

The HA Profile extends the HA QF by showing how the HA QF learning levels 4 to 8 can be further understood for the six main dimensions in humanitarian action skills and competences. These dimensions have been established by analysing and classifying the skills and competences cited by competencies frameworks currently in use in the humanitarian labour market.

The HA Profile offers the possibility to explore at which learning level one is in relation to these different dimensions and thereby to plan further development opportunities either through formal education, non-formal training programmes or on-the-job informal training.

The HA Frameworks Matcher helps with comparing the skills and competence descriptions in use among organisations in the humanitarian labour market. Explore a beta version below.

Existing humanitarian competencies frameworks classify knowledge, skills and competences in different ways and for different purposes. The HA Frameworks Matcher helps to relate these competencies frameworks to the HA Profile by showing their links to the six HA Profile dimensions and sub dimensions. Moreover, it makes it also possible to compare and match skills and competences between different humanitarian organisations, facilitating labour market mobility.

Filter on frameworks
Humanitarian networks
People in Aid
ECB Project
IASC Humanitarian Coordination
Humanitarian agencies
World Vision
Donor agencies
UN family
Thematic frameworks
Humanitarian Logistics Association
Child Protection In Emergencies
Nutrition in Emergencies
Humanitarian commitment
CBHA Understanding humanitarian contexts and applying humanitarian principles
Understand operating contexts, key stakeholders and practices affecting current and future humanitarian interventions
MSF Beliefs (and Attitudes)
Value-based competencies
UNICEF: Core values. CARE: Values-Based Competencies. UN: Core values.
Compare furthermore

IASC Humanitarian Coordination Competencies:1.1 Formulating strategies, applying humanitarian principles and norms.
ELRHA/CPIE Humanitarian: Promoting protection.
CPIE Child Protection/Emergencies: Using a rights-based approach in child protection, Understanding and applying the legal frameworks of SC Resolutions 1612, 1882 and 1888.
NIE: Humanitarian system & standards. PHPR Core Competency Model: 1.6.

humanitarian principles and standards
CBHA Applying humanitarian standards and principles

All staff: Ensure that programme goals, activities and staff behaviour uphold key national and international humanitarian frameworks, standards, principles and codes which your organisation has committed to. Use your power responsibly, in line with accountability principles and standards. Demonstrate understanding of your role and that of your organisation and others within the humanitarian system. Demonstrate an understanding of coordination mechanisms. 1st level line managers: Participate in the development of an organisational response based on an understanding of the operating context. Respect International humanitarian law and relevant treaties. Actively participate in disaster coordination and interagency cooperation, based on a clear understanding of your organisation’s perspective and approach.

commitment to the mission
MSF 1. Commitment to MSF Principles (core competence)

The commitment to provide medical assistance to populations in distress, observing the principles of humanitarian action and medical ethics, and the willingness to direct his/her interest and behaviours towards the social mission of MSF.

UNICEF Commitment

Demonstrates commitment to UNICEF's mission and to the wider UN system; demonstrates the values of UNICEF in daily activities and behaviors; seeks out new challenges, assignments and responsibilities; promotes UNICEF's cause.

DFID Organisation awareness

Understands how their job contributes and delivers DFID goals in accordance with DFID values.

People in Aid Organisational awareness


ELRHA/CPIE Integrity


CARE Integrity

CARE: Maintaining social, ethical, and organizational norms; firmly adhering to codes of conduct and ethical principles inherent to CARE.

UN I. Integrity

An ability to work honestly, openly, impartially and in accordance with the values of the United Nations is critical for all staff members: • Upholds the principles of the United Nations Charter. • Demonstrates the values of the United Nations, including impartiality, fairness, honesty and truthfulness, in daily activities and behaviours. • Acts without consideration of personal gain. • Resists undue political pressure in decision-making. • Does not abuse power or authority. • Stands by decisions that are in the Organization’s interest even if they are unpopular. • Takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behaviour.

UNICEF Integrity

Maintains high ethical standards; takes clear ethical stands; keeps promises; immediately addresses untrustworthy or dishonest behavior; resists pressure in decision-making from internal and external sources; does not abuse power or authority.

respect for all human beings
CARE Respect

CARE: Behaves in a manner that reflects a true belief in and appreciation for the dignity and potential of all human beings. Gaining other people’s confidence and setting an environment of trust and openness.

PHPR 1.5 Demonstrate respect for all persons and cultures.

1. Demonstrate the ability to incorporate factors of diversity in all phases of emergency preparedness and response. 2. Apply principles of cross-cultural communication, equity, social justice, and respect for persons. 3. Develop partnerships with key stakeholders from diverse populations. 4. Describe cultural differences that might impact all phases of emergency preparedness. 5. Develop cross-cultural strategies to address emergency situations and disseminate information. 6. Assess the needs of vulnerable populations into all levels of emergency preparedness and response. 7. Recognize the benefits of diverse perspectives within the public health workforce.

respect for diversity
CARE Diversity

CARE: Promoting, valuing, respecting and fully benefiting from each individual’s unique qualities, background, race, culture, age, gender, disability, values, lifestyle, perspectives or interests; creating and maintaining a work environment that promotes diversity.

UNICEF Diversity and Inclusion

Treats all people with dignity and respect; shows respect and sensitivity towards gender, cultural and religious differences; challenges prejudice, biases and intolerance in the workplace; encourages diversity wherever possible.

UN III. Respect for diversity

An ability to work effectively, respectfully and inclusively with people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives is critical for all staff members: • Works effectively with people from all backgrounds. • Treats all people with dignity and respect. • Treats men and women equally. • Shows respect for, and understanding of, diverse points of view and demonstrates this understanding in daily work and decision-making. • Examines own biases and behaviours to avoid stereotypical responses. • Does not discriminate against any individual or group.

Context analysis & reflection
MSF Thinking
WV Reflection and learning
Compare furthermore

CBHA: 1a. Understanding the humanitarian context.
CPIE Child Protection/Emergencies: Understanding protection concerns for children, Understanding child protection programming, cf. Understanding humanitarian reform, Understanding the child protection area of responsibility, Conducting child protection rapid assessments / situation analysis, Information management.
NIE: Rapid assessments, Surveys, Health and disease assessment, Food security and livelihoods assessment, Surveillance and early warning, Emergency preparedness.
PHPR Core Competency Model: 1.4, 3.1. CARE: Political acumen. WV ICD: TAD03, TAD04, TAD05.

situational awareness
CBHA Understanding the humanitarian context

All staff: Demonstrate understanding of the phases of humanitarian response including preparedness and contingency, Disaster Risk Reduction, response and recovery. Apply understanding of the political and cultural context and underlying causes of the humanitarian crisis. Demonstrate understanding of the gender and diversity dimensions of humanitarian situations. Take into account the needs, skills, capacities and experience of crisis-affected people and apply these in the response. 1st level line managers: Assess and analyse key issues in the humanitarian situation and formulate actions to respond to them.

PHPR 1.4 Maintain situational awareness

1. Explain the importance of a shared mental model in the development of a coordinated response to an emergency. 2. Analyze information regarding the status, attributes, and dynamics of relevant factors impacting response activities. 3. Use information and resources that identify changes in the situation and/or response. 4. Detect cues that the situation may be rapidly changing. 5. Classify key resources used in problem solving for specific types of incidents and the immediate needs of victims. 6. Recognize critical elements impacting situational awareness. 7. Distinguish between critical and non-critical elements of the emergency. 8. Create steps for evaluating the success of actions taken during an emergency situation. 9. Develop a method for realigning response actions as crisis events evolve. 10. Communicate methods for aligning response actions to leaders and one’s team. 11. Cooperate with others to resolve discrepancies or misperceptions regarding elements impacting situational awareness. 12. Detect loss of situational awareness. 13. Develop strategies to minimize distracters impacting situational awareness. 14. Apply techniques that aid in recovery of situational awareness. 15. Prioritize actions to recover situational awareness. 16. Distinguish between existing and future needs in response environments. 17. Demonstrate the ability to communicate oral and written information impacting situational awareness in a clear, concise, and accurate manner.

context analysis
MSF 5. Analytical Thinking

The ability to analyse a situation, its time sequences and cause–effect relationships, in order to set priorities based on rational judgment.

IASC 4.1 Analysing Complexity

Analyzes numerical data, verbal data and all other sources of information; Breaks information into component parts, patterns and relationships; Probes for further information or greater understanding of a problem; Makes rational judgments from the available information and analysis; Produces workable solutions to a range of problems; Demonstrates an understanding of how one issue may be a part of the larger humanitarian system.

ECB Thinking & understanding

Program Manager (level 1): Analysis & synthesis of ongoing situation, Exercises judgment in development situations, Analytical thinking. Program Manager (level 2): Organizes information to provide feedback on programs, Makes connections between disparate events & processes, Thinks and plans strategically. HR Manager, field level: Judgment, Analytical thinking, Conceptual thinking, Strategic thinking.

UNICEF Analyzing

Analyzes numerical data and all other sources of information, to break them into component parts, patterns and relationships; probes for further information or greater understanding of a problem; makes rational judgments from the available information and analysis; demonstrates an understanding of how one issue may be a part of a much larger system.

critical thinking
WV REL 01 Apply critical thinking and reflection in daily work.

This competency describes the ability to effectively reflect on and think critically about your daily work. This is important in improving work practices and performance, supporting your own personal learning and development, and contributing to team learning about the programme and community context.

ELRHA/CPIE Continuous learning


WV REL 02 Engage in personal learning and development

This competency describes the ability to effectively learn and develop in a work environment. Actively and intentionally planning, engaging and reflecting on learning opportunities is essential to successful workplace performance. Modelling effective adult learning behaviours will promote a learning culture in the team.

WV REL 04 Lead programmatic reflection and learning

This competency summarises the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to effectively create and sustain a programme team culture around continuous reflective practice and application of learning. It also helps programme staff to replicate these approaches with partners and the wider community (including children).

UNICEF Learning and Researching

Rapidly learns new tasks and commits information to memory quickly; demonstrates an immediate understanding of newly presented information; gathers comprehensive information to support decision making.

UN XI. Commitment to continuous learning

• Keeps abreast of new developments in own occupation/profession. • Actively seeks to develop oneself professionally and personally. • Contributes to the learning of colleagues and subordinates. • Shows willingness to learn from others. • Seeks feedback to learn and improve.

Coping & safety
CBHA Managing yourself in a pressured and changing environment
Adapt to pressure and change to operate effectively within humanitarian contexts
MSF (Beliefs and) Attitudes
ELRHA/CPIE Managing yourself
CARE Managing Self
IASC 5. Adapting and Coping
CBHA Operating safely and securely at all times
Operate safely and securely in a pressured environment
PHPR 4. Protect Worker Health and Safety
Protect Worker Health and Safety refers to the need for individual workers and workers deployed in teams to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies through the following competencies: 4.1 Maintain personal/family emergency preparedness plans. 4.2 Employ protective behaviors according to changing conditions, personal limitations, and threats. 4.3 Report unresolved threats to physical and mental health through the chain of command.
Compare furthermore

PHPR Core Competency Model: Manage information 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.
WV ICD: LSM05, LSM06. UNICEF: Following instructions and procedures.

coping behaviour
adapting behaviour
CBHA Adapting and coping

difficult and challenging environments. CBHA - 1st level line managers: Help others to recognise and manage their own stress by modelling appropriate self care and prioritising your workload. Promote well-being and a ‘duty of care’ culture.

MSF 3. Behavioural Flexibility (core competence)

Maintains effectiveness in achieving objectives by adapting to changing circumstances, contexts, tasks, responsibilities and people.

CARE Adaptability

CARE: Effectively managing changing environments in the organization, global, economic, and political matters, maintaining effectiveness when dealing with multiple and conflicting priorities across different cultural settings, or during emergency and crisis situations.

IASC 5.2 Adapting and Responding to Change

Adapts to changing circumstances; Accepts new ideas and change initiatives; Adapts interpersonal style to suit different people or situations; Shows respect and sensitivity towards cultural and religious differences; Deals with ambiguity, making positive use of the opportunities it presents.

UNICEF Adapting and Responding to Change

Adapts to changing circumstances including emergencies and other crises; tolerates ambiguity; accepts new ideas and change initiatives; adapts interpersonal style to suit different people and situations; shows an interest in new experiences.

coping with stress
MSF 4. Stress Management

The ability to maintain a positive attitude and keep personal emotions under control, and the capacity to perform tasks in a persistently stressful or frustrating situation, while acknowledging his/her own stress limits and responding appropriately.

CARE Stress Tolerance

CARE: Maintaining effective performance under pressure or adversity; handling stress in a manner that is consistent with CARE's core values.

IASC 5.1 Coping with Pressure and Setbacks

Works productively in a high pressure environment; Keeps emotions under control during difficult situations; Balances the demands of work and personal life; Maintains a positive outlook at work; Handles criticism well and learns from it.

People in Aid/ECB shortlist Pressure tolerance / Copes Effectively

Maintaining effective performance under pressure or adversity; handling stress in a manner that is consistent with the organisation’s values. People in Aid - In the majority of emergency situations all staff have to: • Demonstrate the ability to be calm and steady in the face of stress and unfamiliar situations; not personalise negative responses from others; ability to defuse stress in others with caring responses and active listening; • Adjust to rush situations and multiple conflicting priorities by synthesising information quickly and turning it into actions; connect people and ideas effectively; exercise self-discipline so that the most important tasks are done; keep track of and communicate decisions; • Keep track of and keep commitments on agreed actions; keep written documentation of these and give feedback as actions proceed; • Not personalise frustrations as if they are done “to” you; but understand, accept and work with constraints and frustrations; demonstrate ability to analyse why things are not moving as quickly as desired and to find solutions; ability to disaggregate complicated problems into components to solve one at a time; • Develop support systems with colleagues that serve both them and yourself. ECB-project shortlist - Humanitarian Competencies Study report: • All staff: Adjusts behaviors to deal with rush situations and multiple, conflicting priorities. Shows resilience in the face of constraints and frustrations. Manages personal frustration to avoid conflict and stress. • Program Manager 1: Able to cut through red tape to get the job done without compromising organizational values and standards. Delegates assignments to appropriate individuals based on their skills and roles. Develops appropriate awareness and strategies, as needed, to sustain physical and mental well-being for oneself, peers, colleagues and direct reports. • Program Manager 2: Keeps results focused; able to recognize when to change approach in order to succeed. Explicitly demonstrates confidence in own judgment and abilities, or professional expertise.

UNICEF Coping with Pressure and Setbacks

Maintains a positive outlook at work; works productively in a pressurized environment and in crisis situations; keeps emotions under control during difficult situations; handles criticism well and learns from it; balances the demands of a work life and a personal life.

PHPR 1.2 Manage behaviors associated with emotional responses in self and others

1. Distinguish among the possible signs of personal stress, burn-out, and vicarious trauma. 2. Apply techniques for maintaining awareness of possible signs of personal stress, burn-out, and vicarious trauma. 3. Apply intervention techniques to support emotional health needs. 4. Describe the importance of mitigating acute distress and fostering adaptive functioning and coping. 5. Demonstrate personal behavioral techniques for mitigating acute distress and fostering adaptive functioning and coping. 6. Discuss the elements of self-care principles and practices. 7. Use self-care principles and practices to mitigate potential adverse effects. 8. Develop a willingness to support the emotional health of others. 9. Maintain willingness to be an active listener. 10. Maintain a non-judgmental and respectful manner. 11. Evaluate the emotional support needs of others. 12. Assess individuals requiring immediate care. 13. Distinguish among well-functioning, distress, and dysfunctional emotional responses. 14. Describe referral resources for serving as a liaison and advocate. 15. Distinguish among the types of referrals needed for intensive care. 16. Act as a liaison and advocate.

ELRHA/CPIE Resilience


self awareness
CBHA Self-awareness

All staff: Show awareness of your own strengths and limitations and their impact on others. Demonstrate understanding of your skills and how they complement those of others to build team effectiveness. Seek and reflect on feedback to improve your performance.

ELRHA/CPIE Self awareness


ECB Self management & awareness

Program Manager (level 1): Initiates action, Copes effectively. Program Manager (level 2): Personal qualities and managerial performance are consistent with organizational performance standards, Copes effectively. HR Manager, field level: Initiates action, Copes effectively.

People in Aid Self awareness


safety & protection
personal safety
CBHA Managing personal safety and security

All staff: Build and sustain acceptance for your work in line with humanitarian principles and standards. Reduce vulnerability by complying with safety and security protocols set by your organisation and adapt them to the local context. Champion the importance of safety and keep the safety of colleagues and team members in mind at all times. 1st level line managers: Monitor security risks and ensure organisational protocols are understood and consistently followed by staff. Take appropriate action and provide direction and support to team members in the event of a crisis.

PHPR 4.1 Maintain personal/family emergency preparedness plans

1. Describe essential elements of a personal/family emergency preparedness plan. 2. Create a standard household inventory list to maintain personal/ one’s family’s ability to function during an emergency. 3. Assess one’s family’s special needs during an emergency. 4. Create a family emergency plan to include resources, supplies, and contacts. 5. Create a checklist of basic family needs, special needs, and life-saving medications or assistive devices for household members with sensory and/or functional/ developmental disabilities. 6. Categorize the known or potential emergencies. 7. Assemble in-house family emergency supplies and go-kit.

PHPR 4.2 Employ protective behaviors according to changing conditions, personal limitations, and threats

1. Discuss the need to protect worker health and safety in emergencies and disasters. 2. Categorize potential threats and emergencies. 3. Promote taking protective actions in response to current and changing threats. 4. Describe the relationship among protective measures, behaviors, and reduction of worker risk of injury or illness. 5. Describe the hierarchy of control measures. 6. Describe how the selection of control measures may evolve as conditions change. 7. Summarize organizational roles and responsibilities related to worker health and safety. 8. Discuss public health worker’s roles and responsibilities in designing, implementing and evaluating engineering, administrative, work practice and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) control measures. 9. Organize a system for reporting injuries, illnesses, and potential emergency harmful exposures to protect workers. 10. Apply decontamination procedures as necessary during the emergency or disaster response 11. Employ practices to minimize exposures to agents and hazards during an emergency. 12. Construct a plan for monitoring personal physical and psychological responses to emergency situations. 13. Exhibit personal hygiene practices that minimize exposure to chemical, biological, or radiological agents that may be present during emergencies and disasters. 14. Demonstrate proper use and maintenance of assigned Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in an emergency. 15. Demonstrate correct donning of chemical protective clothing, respiratory protection, protective eyewear, protective footwear, hearing protection, gloves, and any other assigned Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 16. Apply the proper methods to maintain, store, decontaminate and dispose of different types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

PHPR 4.3 Report unresolved threats to physical and mental health through the chain of command

1. Discuss the types of physical hazards and resulting injuries one might encounter while performing one’s role during emergency planning and response. 2. Distinguish between potential threats to physical and mental well-being in the response environment. 3. Recognize the signs and symptoms of fatigue, mental distress and unresolved physical injury. 4. Identify how and to whom one should report unresolved physical and mental health threats. 5. Recognize the importance of reporting unresolved physical and/or mental health threats.

team & agency safety
MSF 15. Security Awareness and Management

The ability to identify factors that influence staff and project security and to anticipate the situations that may endanger MSF’s staff, projects or premises. The capacity to make decisions and the ability to define, establish and adhere to appropriate measures and regulations in accordance with MSF’s security management principles and MSF’s security policy.

ELRHA/CPIE Risk management


PHPR 3.1 Contribute expertise to a community hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA)

1. Differentiate the major components of a hazard vulnerability analysis. 2. Interpret the relevance of subject matter expertise in HVA development process. 3. Distinguish an agency’s role in addressing the public health consequences from HVA events. 4. Use subject matter expertise in the development of the HVA assessment tool. 5. Justify the importance of using data and information contributed to HVA development. 6. Compare the role of subject matter expertise to HVA external partners and community needs. 7. Assess the impact of HVA on an agency’s operational functions. 8. Value expertise of others in developing an HVA. 8. Volunteer in a community HVA development process. 9. Endorse the use of HVAs as an important tool for community preparedness.

PHPR 3.2 Contribute expertise to the development of emergency plans

1. Differentiate among the stages of an emergency plan. 2. Categorize local populations at risk for broad-scale health emergencies. 3. Summarize the roles and responsibilities of public health mid-level workers during an emergency and in the Incident Command System (ICS). 4. Justify the role of HVAs and Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) in emergency planning. 5. Express the importance of routine review of emergency plans. 6. Select methods for evaluating and improving preparedness and/or response related to one’s area of expertise. 7. Discuss the importance of planning for the psychological needs of a community during a disaster. 8. Recognize the value in having an incident command structure during an emergency situation. 9. Value creating preparedness partnerships within community organizations. 10. Justify the rationale for using a team approach in emergency planning. 11. Assess the relationship of exercises to emergency planning.

PHPR 3.3 Participate in improving the organization’s capacities (including, but not limited to programs, plans, policies, laws, and workforce training)

1. Differentiate among public health emergency response legislation, regulations, and organizational policies. 2. Describe the key role of public health workers in an emergency response. 3. Adapt skill sets to meet organizational needs during an emergency response situation. 4. Apply knowledge and skills gained through participation in emergency preparedness and response activities to improve organizational capacities. 5. Apply organizational policies and plans during an emergency response. 6. Prioritize critical emergency preparedness responsibilities in one’s own program. 7. Apply mitigation strategies to one’s own organization during an emergency response. 8. Implement recommendations identified in After Action Reviews. 9. Communicate the need for and importance of a coordinated public health and other agency response to emergencies and disasters.

PHPR 3.4 Refer matters outside of one's scope of legal authority through the chain of command


conflict sensitivity
WV TAP 01 Promote peacebuilding and conflict sensitivity

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to effectively promote the integration of peacebuilding and conflict sensitivity in World Vision’s programmes and projects. This is important to ensure programmes and projects are appropriate to the context.

CBHA Minimising risk to communities, partners and stakeholders

All staff: Pay attention to the safety of crisis-affected people and other key stakeholders Identify and communicate risk and threats and mitigate these for you and your agency. Take measures to ‘do no harm’ and to minimise risks for your partners and the crisis-affected people you work with. 1st level line managers: Undertake effective risk assessments with crisis-affected people and partners. Demonstrate an understanding of wider UN/NGO security co-ordination and how your organisation participates in those mechanisms. Develop contingency plans.

ELRHA/CPIE Promoting Protection (ELRHA) / Promoting humanitarian principles (CPIE)


CBHA Demonstrating leadership in humanitarian response
Demonstrate humanitarian values and principles, and motivate others to achieve results in complex situations, independent of one’s role, function or seniority
CARE Leading Change
IASC 1. Leadership
WV Leadership (and staff management )
PHPR 1. Model Leadership
Model Leadership refers to the responsibility of each mid-level worker to stand up and contribute in all phases of an emergency by demonstrating the following competencies: 1.1 Solve problems under emergency conditions. 1.2 Manage behaviors associated with emotional responses in self and others. 1.3 Facilitate collaboration with internal and external emergency response partners. 1.4 Maintain situational awareness. 1.5 Demonstrate respect for all persons and cultures. 1.6 Act within the scope of one's legal authority.
Compare furthermore

CBHA: 2c. Making decisions, 6c. Critical judgement.
People in Aid/ECB: Operational decision-making.
People in Aid: Organisational awareness, Communicating with impact.
ELRHA/CPIE Humanitarian: Managing projects, Decision making.
CPIE Child Protection/Emergencies: Strategic planning with child protection actors.
MSF: 10. Initiative and innovation.
HLA Personal Competences: Initiative, Decision making, Project management, Managing change.
CARE: Building commitment, Communicating with impact, Facilitating change, Initiating action, Operational decision making.
WV ICD: LSM02, PFM01, PFM02, TAS03. UNICEF: Deciding and initiating action, Persuading and influencing.
UN/OHRM: Judgement/decision making.

MSF 13. Leadership

The capacity to persuade, inspire and mobilise people to contribute to MSF’s social mission, including the ability to make difficult, political and/or operational decisions even against popular opinion/will, and to explain clearly the reasons for them.

ELRHA/CPIE Leadership


HLA/CHL Leadership


HLA/CHSCM Leadership


UNICEF Leading and Supervising

Provides others with a clear direction; motivates and empowers others; recruits staff of a high caliber; provides staff with development opportunities and coaching; sets appropriate standards of behavior.

UN XIII. Leadership

• Serves as a role model that other people want to follow. • Empowers others to translate vision into results. • Is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives. • Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support. • Anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions. • Drives for change and improvement, does not accept the status quo. • Shows the courage to take unpopular stands.

WV LSM 06 Lead personal transformation

This competency describes the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead personal and professional growth and development, and improve personal leadership styles. It involves demonstrating high levels of emotional self-awareness, commitment to lifelong learning, spiritual maturity, resilience and adaptability. This competency is important in inspiring a team and leading organisational learning and strategic change.

strategic vision
MSF 6. Strategic Vision

The capacity to identify, articulate and communicate principles, ideas and priorities in order to channel efforts and resources towards the social mission of MSF. The ability to link day-to-day work with the long-term objectives to be achieved.

CARE Leading Through Vision & Values

Keeping CARE’s vision, mission and values at the forefront of decision-making and action; passionately advancing CARE’s strategies.

UN XII. Vision

• Identifies strategic issues, opportunities and risks. • Clearly communicates links between the Organization’s strategy and the work unit’s goals. • Generates and communicates broad and compelling organizational direction inspiring others to pursue that same direction. • Conveys enthusiasm about future possibilities.

strategic decision-making
CARE Strategic Decision Making

Establishing and supporting a course of action to achieve CARE’s long-range objectives or vision after developing alternatives based on logical assumptions, contextual and systems analysis, available resources, constraints, and organizational values.

IASC 1.1 Formulating Strategies, Applying Humanitarian Principles and Norms

Demonstrates a broad-based understanding of the growing complexities of humanitarian issues and activities. Creates a strategic vision of shared goals based on humanitarian principles and norms, and ensures broad acceptance of it. Develops a roadmap which enhances humanitarian action.

WV LSM 01 Provide strategic programme leadership

ction for a programme, to ensure it aligns with World Vision’s (WV) Ministry Framework and national office strategy, and meets the needs of the local community.

UNICEF Formulating Strategies and Concepts

Works strategically to realize UNICEF's goals; sets and develops strategies; identifies and develops positive and compelling visions of the organization's future potential; takes account of a wide range of issues across, and related to, UNICEF.

political acumen
CARE Political Acumen

CARE: Understanding the socio-cultural, historical, political, and economic context within which CARE operates; integrating understanding of the organization's global approach with awareness of global trends.

managing people
coaching / people management
CBHA Motivating and influencing others

All staff: Communicate humanitarian values and encourage others to share them. Inspire confidence in others. Speak out clearly for organisational beliefs and values. Demonstrate active listening to encourage team collaboration. Influence others positively to achieve programme goals. 1st level line managers: Inspire others by clearly articulating and demonstrating the values, core purpose and principles that underpin humanitarian work. Provide regular and ongoing informal and formal feedback. Recognise the contribution of others. Adapt leadership style to the time frame and changing situation.

MSF 14. People Management and Development

The capacity to motivate and manage team members so that they successfully carry out their responsibilities, and the ability to guide staff development towards excellent performance.

CARE Coaching

CARE: Setting challenging performance expectations while clearly communicating confidence in the individual's ability to excel; addressing performance gaps; rewarding and celebrating accomplishments.

WV REL 03 Support team effectiveness

This competency describes the ability to effectively contribute to the successful working of a team. This competency will facilitate the creation of mutual understanding, support and collaboration in a programme team. This will help in creating a working environment and practices that will also promote positive trusting relationships with community stakeholders.

WV CEP 05 Build capacity using a coaching approach

This competency describes the behaviours required to effectively support the learning of colleagues and community stakeholders, using basic coaching skills in order to ensure mutual learning. When working with colleagues, coaching skills and relationships may be important on an on-going basis.

WV LSM 04 Manage staff performance and development

This competency describes the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to ensure that individual staff performance and development aligns with and contributes to the achievement of team objectives and national office strategy. Effectively applying World Vision’s (WV) performance management and development practices is important to ensure accountability and to promote a supportive environment for staff to learn and grow.

WV LSM 05 Lead staff care, security and spiritual nurture

This competency describes the ability to effectively ensure and enhance the well-being and spiritual nurture of the individual staff and overall team. Demonstrating this competency will contribute towards ensuring positive employee relations and help create a supportive, safe and caring work environment in which people feel valued.

ECB Empowering others

Program Manager (level 1): People management, Leadership, Listening, Coaching. Program Manager (level 2): People management across multiple teams, in matrix environments, Coaches & mentors, Forges shared vision & goals among disparate stakeholders, Leads across boundaries. HR Manager, field level: People management, Leadership in the workplace.

HLA/CHSCM Coaching and mentoring


UN XIV. Empowering others

• Delegates responsibility, clarifies expectations and gives staff autonomy in important areas of their work. • Encourages others to set challenging goals. • Holds others accountable for achieving results related to their area of responsibility. • Genuinely values all staff members’ input and expertise. • Shows appreciation and rewards achievement and effort. • Involves others when making decisions that affect them.

CARE Delegating Responsibility

Allocating decision-making authority and/or responsibility as appropriate to maximize the organization’s and individuals’ effectiveness; inspiring collective ownership of decisions and required actions.

UNICEF Following Instructions and Procedures

Does not unnecessarily challenge authority; follows procedures and policies; keeps to schedules; complies with legal obligations and safety requirements of the role.

PHPR 1.6 Act within the scope of one's legal authority

1. Identify the legal powers, duties, and restraints associated with the scope of one’s legal authority. 2. Apply appropriate public health authority to minimize adverse outcomes (e.g., persons, property, etc.). 3. Access the emergency preparedness and response policies and procedures of one’s own organization. 4. Respond legally and consistently within the values and mission of one’s public health organization. 5. Document appropriate information relative to the application of the law.

Collaborative relationships
CBHA Developing and maintaining collaborative relationships
Develop and maintain collaborative and coordinated relationships with stakeholders and staff.
MSF People Management
ELRHA/CPIE Working with others
CARE Building and Nurturing Relationships
CARE Working with Others (to Achieve Results)
IASC 2. Managing Relationships
WV Community engagement and partnering
WV (Leadership and) staff management
DFID people-related competencies
IASC 3. Influencing and Representation
PHPR 2. Communicate and Manage Information
Communicate and Manage Information refers to the mid-level workers’ need to communicate before, during, and after an emergency, and includes the following competencies: 2.1 Manage information related to an emergency. 2.2 Use principles of crisis and risk communication. 2.3 Report information potentially relevant to the identification and control of an emergency through the chain of command. 2.4 Collect data according to protocol. 2.5 Manage the recording and/or transcription of data according to protocol.
Compare furthermore

ECB Person-based Competencies: Empowering others.
CPIE Child Protection/Emergencies: Ethical sensitivity, Empathy, Advocating on issues of child protection, Consensus building amongst child protection actors.
MSF: 14. People management and development.
NIE: Coordination, Advocacy and communication, Capacity development and training.
PHPR Core Competency Model: 1.5.
CARE: Diversity, Coaching.
WV ICD: REL03, PFM03, PFM05, TAS04.
UNICEF: Diversity and inclusion.
UN/OHRM: Respect for diversity, Empowering others.

internal and external relationships
working with others
CBHA Working with others

All staff: Contribute positively in the team to achieve programme objectives. Share useful information and knowledge with colleagues, partners and crisis-affected people as and when appropriate. Actively participate in networks to access and contribute to good practice. Challenge decisions and behaviour which breach the International Red Cross and Red Crescent and NGOs / individual agency Codes of Conduct. 1st level line managers: Establish clear objectives with teams and individuals. Monitor work progress and individual performance. Establish agreed ways of working at a distance with partners and staff. Work with your team to build trust with communities and stakeholders. Foster collaborative, transparent and accountable relationships through partners to formalise and implement partnering agreements. Use negotiation and conflict resolution skills to support positive outcomes.

CARE Collaboration

Working effectively and cooperatively with others toward shared objectives; establishing and maintaining principle-centered working relationships.

DFID Working with others

Takes responsibility to build and maintain positive relationships and value the opinion of others.

MSF 12. Teamwork and Cooperation (core competence)

Implies collaboration, sharing and cooperating with others, to work together towards a common goal.



CARE Contributing to Team Success

Actively participating as a member of a team to move the team/work unit toward the completion of goals.

CARE Developing Teams

Using appropriate methods and a flexible interpersonal style to help build a cohesive team; facilitating the completion of team objectives.

IASC 2.2 Fostering Humanitarian Teamwork

Builds and maintains humanitarian partnerships. Is committed to working in partnership with the humanitarian country team; promotes a climate of teamwork and harmony and facilitates a team approach; pursues the efficient use of common resources and common goals; shares information and supports others; ensures the full participation of team members in common endeavours; encourages clear, open and respectful dialogue.

WV LSM 03 Ensure team effectiveness

This competency summarises the approaches to effectively develop and sustain a team culture. It aso helps foster behaviour and practices that result in high levels of staff cohesion, collaboration, motivation and innovation.

ECB Working (effectively) together

Program Manager (level 1): Leads local & international staff, Internal communication, Group dynamics, Builds & maintains relations in forming teams. Program Manager (level 2): Builds & maintains relations in forming teams, Handles team conflict & challenges effectively. HR Manager, field level: Communication, Global and peer team working, Knowledge sharing, Promotes team effectiveness, Builds & maintains relations in forming teams, Network to support HR objectives.

People in Aid/ECB shortlist Building and maintaining relations in changing/forming (emergency) teams

Using a flexible interpersonal style to help build a cohesive team; facilitating completion of team goals. People in Aid - Behavioural Indicators (These statements were seen as necessary behaviours by all staff, but that managers have more responsibility to act on them): • Initiate contact and build relationships with new people, including those who have different experiences, perceptions and values to yourself; not to be fearful of difference, but to maintain openness to it with interest; • Take responsibility for own work and assist team members to undertake required roles and responsibilities; • Actively listen and work to understand the different perspectives of all staff specifically to build shared understanding; • Face up to difficult decisions and constructively challenge inappropriate behaviours by focussing on specific actions or attitudes behind the problem, not personalising them; • Understand the influence that personal behaviour has on overall security; behave appropriately to local context and reduce vulnerability by acting in accordance with security guidelines. ECB-project shortlist - Humanitarian Competencies Study report: • All staff: Behaves consistently across situations and keeps commitments around agreed upon actions. Takes responsibility for own work and assists team members to undertake required roles and responsibilities. • Program Manager 1: Personal performance and behavior contribute to developing a team, which earns credibility and respect from those in contact with them. Actively listens and works to understand the different perspectives of all staff and adapts approach accordingly. Constructively challenges inappropriate behavior. Builds and retains a solid team from the best available staff. • Program Manager 2: Own contribution to work team serves as role model for others. Builds a culture of mutual respect in which all variety of staff can contribute their best effort to achieve team objectives. Does not let conflict or disagreements fester - addresses them confidently, quickly and effectively.

UNICEF Working with People

Shows respect for the views and contributions of other team members; shows empathy; listens, supports and cares for others; consults others and shares information and expertise with them; builds team spirit and reconciles conflict; adapts to the team and fits in well.

UN V. Teamwork

• Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. • Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others. • Places team agenda before personal agenda. • Builds consensus for task purpose and direction with team members. • Supports and acts in accordance with final group decisions, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position. • Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

ELRHA/CPIE Managing partnerships


CARE Building Partnerships

Identifying opportunities and establishing effective strategic relationships between one's area and other areas, teams, departments, units, or external organizations to help achieve CARE's objectives.

CARE Building Relationships Across Work Units

Developing and using collaborative relationships to facilitate the accomplishment of work goals across work units.

WV CEP 01 Build and maintain relationships with community stakeholders

This competency describes the ability to ensure strong, collaborative relationships with community partners and stakeholders based on mutual understanding, respect, trust and continual discernment of World Vision’s (WV) role and approaches within the local context. This competency is vital when engaging in formal and informal meetings, workshops, interviews and conversations in the local community with key stakeholders and partners.

WV CEP 02 Facilitate community engagement through group processes

This competency describes the behaviours needed when facilitating or co-facilitating group processes, such as meetings, community conversations, workshops and summits involving community stakeholders and partners along the Critical Path. Taking on a coaching role with community members who facilitate is equally as important as facilitating the process yourself.

WV CEP 07 Build collaborations for child well-being (local partnering)

This competency describes the behaviours required to guide World Vision’s partnering practices, including all of the associated forms of inter-organisational relationships. It includes being able to identify and choose between appropriate forms of collaboration – network, coalition and partnership – depending upon the context of children’s needs, rights and possible partners. Then to be able to facilitate and broker appropriate relationships and partnerships that achieve appropriate child well-being objectives. It is based on valuing a partner’s roles or potential in achieving child well-being and includes skills in recognising and developing partner’s capacities. Building collaborative relationships is required in all contexts. [...] Underpinning this competency is an assumption that participation and participatory tools are available, and that power dynamics are understood and taken into account.

WV LSM 02 Manage strategic relationships and partnerships

This competency describes the behaviours, skills, knowledge and attitudes required to manage relationships and partnerships with the national office and with key external programme stakeholders in a strategic way to ensure progress towards child well-being. This competency is important to ensure that World Vision’s (WV) role is understood and trust is developed throughout the life of the programme. It is essential to sustaining outcomes after the programme ends.

PHPR 1.3 Facilitate collaboration with internal and external emergency response partners

1. Compare the roles of relevant internal and external emergency response partners (including, but not limited to, agencies, organizations, authorities, elected leaders, and stakeholders). 2. Develop partnerships among internal and external emergency response partners. 3. Develop collaborative emergency response plans and/or policies with appropriate internal and external emergency response partners. 4. Apply communication strategies to effectively communicate with internal and external response partners. 5. Maintain agreements (e.g., Mutual Aid Agreements or MAAs, Emergency Management Assistance Compacts or EMACs, Memoranda of Understanding or MOUs) with external emergency response partners to secure and provide assistance and resources in all phases of emergency preparedness and response.

MSF 16. Networking and Building Relationships

The ability to identify relevant actors in a given context, engaging, cultivating and maintaining relations with them according to the aims of the organisation.

IASC 2.1 Relating and Networking

Establishes good relationships with stakeholders and staff; Builds wide and effective networks of contacts inside and outside the organization; Relates well to people at all levels; Manages conflict; Makes effective use of political processes to influence and persuade others.

UNICEF Relating and Networking

Easily establishes good relationships with external partners and staff; builds wide and effective networks within UNICEF, within the wider UN system and with external parties; relates well to people at all levels; manages conflict; uses humor appropriately to enhance relationships with others.

cultural sensitivity
MSF 2. Cross-cultural Awareness

The capacity to acknowledge, respect and integrate cultural differences in a way that facilitates the achievement of MSF’s objectives.

ELRHA/CPIE Cultural sensitivity


building trust
ELRHA/CPIE Building Trust


UN XVI. Building trust

• Provides an environment in which others can talk and act without fear or repercussion. • Manages in a deliberate and predictable way. • Operates with transparency, has no hidden agenda. • Places confidence in colleagues, staff members and clients. • Gives proper credit to others. • Follows through on agreed upon actions. • Treats sensitive or confidential information appropriately.

influencing / building commitment / negotiation / advocacy
MSF 11. Capacity to Negotiate

The capacity to negotiate is the ability to convince and to reach acceptable agreements for all parties involved.

ELRHA/CPIE Negotiating


CARE Building Commitment

Using appropriate interpersonal styles and techniques to gain acceptance of ideas or plans; modifying one’s own behavior to accommodate tasks, situations, and individuals involved.

CARE Negotiation

Effectively exploring alternatives and positions to reach outcomes that gain the support and acceptance of all parties, and builds collective support or agreement.

IASC 3.1 Negotiation and Advocacy

Can effectively influence or persuade others of a course of action. Is an effective advocate of humanitarian principles on behalf of the humanitarian community. Is able and prepared to adopt a number of ways to negotiate to gain support and influence diverse parties, with the aim of securing improvements for humanitarian access, provision of assistance, and to ensure protection of the affected population.

WV CEP 08 Facilitate local advocacy

Advocacy is a core part of World Vision’s (WV) work and is critical to the sustained well-being of children. Accordingly, local level advocacy is a key component of the Critical Path. Local advocacy addresses the structural and systemic causes of poverty by changing the policies, practices and attitudes that perpetuate inequality and deny justice and human rights in the daily lives of people we serve. Accordingly, local advocacy personnel should possess a number of skills that advance these objectives. 1. Critically analyse the systems and structures that impact child well-being. 2. Plan advocacy activities strategically. 3. Mobilise communities to achieve clear advocacy objectives. 4. Broker effective advocacy coalitions and [end].

DFID Influencing

Positively influences others, creating acceptance and support for ideas.

HLA/CHL Influencing others


UNICEF Persuading and Influencing

Gains agreement and commitment from others by persuading, convincing and negotiating; makes effective use of political processes to influence and persuade others inside and outside UNICEF; promotes ideas on behalf of oneself or others; makes a strong personal impact on others; takes care to manage one's impression on others.

ELRHA/CPIE Accountability


customer oriented
CARE Customer Oriented

CARE: Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one’s actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relations. A customer is defined as any person inside or outside the organization with whom you have a service relationship. It includes supervisors and other employees.

WV CEP 03 Facilitate the engagement of children
This competency describes behaviours required to work effectively with children and their parents, caregivers, and stakeholders and to model child-focused practices. Because World Vision (WV) is a child-focused organisation, staff behaviours and modelling are important in both formal and informal engagements with children, partners and community members.
WV CEP 06 Support child focused programming

This competency describes the behaviours required when working with community stakeholders to support and strengthen capacity for locally-led community development that is child-focused.

stakeholder capacity building
WV CEP 04 Facilitate and support training for community stakeholders

This competency describes the behaviours required to effectively facilitate and support training for community stakeholders and partners. Training may be delivered by World Vision (WV) staff, including technical specialists, or it may be delivered by partners or other community stakeholders. Where WV staff members are supporting others to facilitate training, the elements and behaviours included in this competency can be used as a guide for support.

WV TAD 01 Facilitate DME processes at community level

This competency covers the knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary for local level programme team members working with partners and community members to support design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) processes at the community level within projects and programmes.

WV TAD 02 Ensure integrity of DME processes

This competency describes the behaviours needed for ensuring joint ownership of design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) processes and products between the community and World Vision (WV) when managing data collection, analysis, interpretation, and utilisation for assessments, baselines, monitoring or evaluation.

CBHA Listening and creating dialogue

All staff: Actively listen to new and different perspectives and experiences of crisis-affected people, stakeholders and team members. Establish and maintain clear dialogue with crisis-affected people or other stakeholders. 1st level line managers: Ensure feedback from crisis-affected people, partners and other stakeholders is incorporated into programme design, implementation and learning.

ELRHA/CPIE Communication


CARE Communicating with Impact

Clearly conveying information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain their message.

DFID Communicating with others

Vary the way they communicate ideas and information ensuring their message is understood.

PHPR 2.2 Use principles of crisis and risk communication

1. Differentiate among the responsibilities of a receiver, transmitter, and translator during events (before, during, and after). 2. Employ communication responsibilities for an event (before, during, and after). 3. Differentiate between crisis communication and emergency risk communication. 4. Deliver messages using the guidelines for crisis and risk communication. 5. Classify the general tenets in crisis and emergency risk communication principles. 6. Maintain empathy when communicating during a crisis. 7. Utilize credible sources in relaying risk messages. 8. Value cultural sensitivity as essential to communicating with diverse populations. 9. Summarize CDC-recommended guidelines on crisis and risk communication regarding the development and delivery of messages. 10. Use consistent names, acronyms, and pronunciation in oral and written communications. 11. Encourage inclusion of diverse populations in planning messages. 12. Differentiate between the mental and emotional factors that might create barriers to communication (e.g., reception and interpretation). 13. Distinguish among the needs of the diverse audiences within the community. 14. Identify subject matter experts within the community who can help with delivering messages. 15. Maintain diverse community partners to assist with communicating preparedness planning and population-specific messages. 16. Participate in multi-agency coordination activities to identify pre-event and event Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) materials, related to one’s subject matter expertise.

People in Aid Communicating with impact


IASC 3.2 Presenting and Communicating Information

Speaks clearly and fluently; Expresses opinions, information and key points of an argument clearly; Makes presentations and undertakes public speaking with skill and confidence; Identifies information needs of a target audience or population, and works systematically to address the needs; Projects credibility.

HLA/CHL Communication


HLA/CHSCM Communication


UNICEF Communication

Speaks fluently; expresses opinions, information and key points of an argument clearly; presents information with skill and confidence; responds quickly to the needs of an audience and to their reactions and feedback; projects credibility; structures information to meet the needs and understanding of the intended audience; presents information in a well-structured and logical way.

UN IV. Communication

• Speaks and writes clearly and effectively. • Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately. • Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication. • Tailors language, tone, style, and format to match the audience. • Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.

information management
PHPR 2.1 Manage information related to an emergency

1. Interpret procedures in emergency operations plan related to information management. 2. Distinguish the roles of staff involved in collecting and disseminating information for audiences (e.g., self, coordinator, Public Information Officer or PIO, technology/IT departments). 3. Compare the different types of routine and urgent information management. 4. Verify the credibility of information sources. 5. Classify information for internal and external audiences. 6. Demonstrate composure when managing information.

PHPR 2.3 Report information potentially relevant to the identification and control of an emergency through the chain of command

1. Interpret the learner’s role in emergency identification and control as outlined in relevant Emergency All-Hazards Plans. 2. Communicate within the organization’s defined command structure (i.e. report up, communicate down). 3. Assess relevant emergency situational information coming into the agency. 4. Alert appropriate staff to unusual events based on identified trigger points and/or thresholds as outlined in the Communications Annex. 5. Communicate relevant information to personnel in a timely fashion. 6. Clarify the roles of team members in an Incident Command Structure.

PHPR 2.4 Collect data according to protocol

1. Use standardized protocol to collect data. 2. Identify key local sources of data. 3. Identify the barriers to communicating when interviewing diverse populations. 4. Value the confidentiality of interviewee information. 5. Distinguish among strategies for properly documenting the data collection process. 6. Differentiate between primary and secondary data. 7. Organize data accurately into database or statistical packages. 8. Distinguish among different types of electronic information sources. 9. Utilize primary and secondary data collection methods to inform preparedness and emergency responses scenarios. 10. Point out the importance of threats to validity including various forms of bias. 11. Appreciate how strongly held personal beliefs and convictions might impact the validity and acceptance of data collected.

PHPR 2.5 Manage the recording and/or transcription of data according to protocol

1. Adhere to relevant ethics guidelines, state, and federal laws regarding data collection, management, and dissemination. 2. Compare agency procedures for handling Freedom of Information Act requests. 3. Secure and stabilize data storage. 4. Interpret the responsibilities and expectations of data entry personnel. 5. Apply data entry quality control procedures that ensure accuracy and reliability. 6. Categorize common data and management issues. 7. Prepare a list of cases of affected individuals (e.g., disease, emergency care, disaster victims and fatalities) with specified variables (line listing). 8. Analyze public health threat data. 9. Explain the importance of data for informing scientific, ethical, economic, and political discussions of public health response issues. 10. Use descriptive techniques to summarize public health data.

Service to crisis-affected people
CBHA Achieving results
Be accountable for your work and use resources effectively to achieve lasting results
MSF Achievement
ELRHA/CPIE Achieving results
CARE (Working with Others to) Achieve Results
WV Programme and financial management
DFID work-related competencies
quality enhancement
programme quality & results
CBHA Ensuring programme quality and impact

All staff: Demonstrate understanding of agency project cycle management. Actively participate in the design and implementation of effective projects and programmes. Maintain focus on delivery of timely and appropriate results using available resources. 1st level line managers: Set standards in your work and follow agreed operating procedures. Clarify roles and responsibilities within your team to maximise impact. Collaborate with stakeholders to avoid duplication and maximise resources. Regularly provide feedback and information to achieve improved results. Document lessons learned and apply them to future projects.

MSF 7. Results and Quality Orientation (core competence)

The drive and tenacity to achieve the defined objectives and to implement efficient solutions within a set timeframe, with the given resources and in accordance with the established procedures and models; the will to constantly seek improvement in the performance of his/her own tasks and actions.

WV TAD 07 Manage DME processes at programme level

This competency describes the behaviours required to effectively manage and oversee design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) processes within the programme.

ECB Managing expectations & quality

Program Manager (level 1): Performance and results oriented, Program support oriented, Quality and detail minded, Cultural sensitivity, Continuous improvement. Program Manager (level 2): Performance & results oriented, Program support oriented. HR Manager, field level: Performance and results oriented, Program support oriented, Quality and detail minded, Continuous improvement.

UNICEF Drive for Results

Sets high standards for quality of work; monitors and maintains quality of work; works in a systematic, methodical and orderly way; consistently achieves project goals; focuses on the needs and satisfaction of internal and external partners; accepts and tackles demanding goals with enthusiasm.

managing performance
CBHA Critical judgement

All staff: Analyse and exercise judgment in challenging situations in the absence of specific guidance. Demonstrate initiative and suggest creative improvements and better ways of working. Demonstrate tenacity to achieve results. 1st level line managers: Maintain a broad strategic perspective at the same time as an awareness of the detail of a situation. Act decisively and adapt plans quickly to respond to emerging situations and changing environments. Take informed and calculated risks to improve performance.

CARE Excellence (Personal Work Standards)

Setting high standards of performance for self and/or others; assuming responsibility and accountability for successfully completing assignments or tasks; self-imposing standards of excellence rather than having standards imposed; ensuring interactions and transactions are ethical and convey integrity.

CARE Managing Performance for Success

Focusing and guiding others in accomplishing work objectives. Fostering trust and dialogue to enhance performance of self and others; acting as an advocate for staff development opportunities and resources; managing in a frank and open manner and applying the same standards of treatment to everyone.

DFID Continual improvement

Continually looks to improve their skills, knowledge and the way they work.

People in Aid Managing performance for success


UN XV. Managing Performance

• Delegates the appropriate responsibility, accountability and decision-making authority. • Makes sure that roles, responsibilities and reporting lines are clear to each staff member. • Accurately judges the amount of time and resources needed to accomplish a task and matches task to skills. • Monitors progress against milestones and deadlines. • Regularly discusses performance and provides feedback and coaching to staff. • Encourages risk-taking and supports staff when they make mistakes. • Actively supports the development and career aspirations of staff. • Appraises performance fairly.

CBHA Maintaining professionalism

All staff: Take responsibility for your own work and its impact on others. Plan, prioritise and perform tasks well under pressure. Maintain ethical and professional behaviour in accordance with relevant codes of conduct. Demonstrate personal integrity by using one’s position responsibly and fairly. Be aware of internal and external influences that affect your performance. 1st level line managers: Set realistic deadlines and goals. Enable others to carry out their roles and responsibilities. Monitor commitments and actions transparently. Take time to learn from experience and feedback and apply the learning in new situations.

UN II. Professionalism

An ability to work a calm, competent and committed manner is critical for all staff members: • Shows pride in work and in achievements. • Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter. • Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results. • Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns. • Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges. • Remains calm in stressful situations.

needs assessment
data collection & needs analysis
ELRHA/CPIE Assessing needs


CARE Information Monitoring

Setting up ongoing procedures to collect, review, and synthesize information needed to manage a function, or the work within a function.

WV TAD 03 Plan data collection processes

This competency describes the behaviours needed when planning primary data collection for design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) processes such as assessments, baselines, monitoring or evaluation.

WV TAD 04 Manage data collection processes

This competency describes the behaviours needed when conducting and managing a primary data collection process for assessment, baseline, monitoring or evaluation.

WV TAD 05 Analyse data

This competency describes the behaviours needed when analysing primary data collected during a design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) process, including assessment, baseline, monitoring or evaluation.

DFID Analysis and use of information

Assesses and interprets information in order to identify issues or problems.

service orientation
MSF 8. Service Orientation

The ability to understand and address the needs of patients, other beneficiaries and clients in general.

UN VIII. Client orientation

• Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view. • Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect. • Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions. • Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems. • Keeps a client informed of progress or setbacks in projects. • Meets timeline for delivery of product or services to client.

set-up of operations
problem solving
ELRHA/CPIE Problem solving


CARE Proactive Problem-solving

Makes routine decisions in the course of work. Understands the issues, compares data from different sources to draw conclusions, and chooses a course of action that is consistent with authority delegated to the position.

HLA/CHL Problem solving


HLA/CHSCM Problem solving


PHPR 1.1 Solve problems under emergency conditions.

1. Recognize emergency conditions and the resulting problems. 2. Evaluate the level of hazard or risk. 3. Prioritize problems based on level of hazard and degree of risk. 4. Analyze dysfunctions within a public health emergency response system. 5. Assure responsibility for responding when needed in the event of a public health emergency. 6. Summarize the means, methods, and processes for solving the problems. 7. Prioritize problems based on severity, urgency, and solvability. 8. Assess information, resources and procedures necessary to address the problems in emergency situations. 9. Implement action to solve the problems(s) in a timely fashion. 10. Differentiate among the consequences of specific decisions. 11. Assume responsibility for taking specific actions that further organizational mission or population health in the presence of a public health emergency. 12. Explain how different personality types impact performance during emergency situations. 13. Maintain awareness of one’s own tolerance for risk. 14. Recognize the ethical and moral implications of decisions made through a chain of command. 15. Refer problems that fall outside one’s scope of authority to the appropriate person in the chain of command.

WV TAD 06 Use data in programme or project design and redesign

This competency describes the behaviours needed when using learning from design, monitoring and evaluation (DME) processes (such as assessment, baseline, monitoring or evaluation) to transition, design or redesign programmes.

creative innovation
MSF 10. (Initiative and) Innovation

The ability to deal with a problem, obstacle or opportunity and carry out actions in a reactive way, by responding to the situation, or in a proactive way, by anticipating the situation. This may include both coming up with new solutions and being creative to solve situations with the existing means.

CARE Innovation

CARE: Generating innovative solutions; trying different and novel ways to deal with work challenges, opportunities, and organizational change; being creative and taking risks.

HLA/CHL Creative thinking


UNICEF Creating and Innovating

Produces new ideas, approaches, or insights; creates innovative ways of designing projects or outputs in own work area; produces a range of solutions to problems.

UNICEF Entrepreneurial Thinking

Keeps up to date with trends in own work area; identifies opportunities for advancing UNICEF's mission; maintains awareness of developments in the organizational structure and politics; demonstrates financial awareness and a concern for cost-effectiveness.

UN IX. Creativity

• Actively seeks to improve programmes or services. • Offers new and different options to solve problems or meet client needs. • Promotes and persuades others to consider new ideas. • Takes calculated risks on new and unusual ideas; thinks outside the box. • Takes and interest in new ideas and new ways of doing things. • Is not bound by current thinking or traditional approaches.

MSF 10. Initiative (and Innovation)

The ability to deal with a problem, obstacle or opportunity and carry out actions in a reactive way, by responding to the situation, or in a proactive way, by anticipating the situation. This may include both coming up with new solutions and being creative to solve situations with the existing means.

People in Aid Drive to achieve results/initiating action


CARE Initiating Action

Taking prompt action to accomplish objectives; taking decisive action to achieve objectives in times of uncertainty or in fluid contexts; being proactive.

IASC 1.2 Deciding and Initiating Action

Makes prompt, clear decisions which may involve tough choices or considered risks. Takes responsibility for actions, projects and people. Takes initiative, acts with confidence and works under own direction. Initiates and generates activity. Provides others with clear direction. Modifies decisions when necessary, in light of new information.

HLA/CHL Initiative


HLA/CHSCM Initiative


UNICEF Deciding and Initiating Action

Takes responsibility for actions, projects and people; takes initiative and works under own direction; initiates and generates activity and introduces changes into work processes; makes quick, clear decisions which may include tough choices or considered risks.

facilitating change
CARE Facilitating Change

Encouraging others to seek and act upon opportunities for different and innovative approaches to addressing problems and opportunities; critically analyzing evolving and fluid situations; facilitating the implementation and acceptance of change within the workplace; actively engaging with resistance to change.

DFID Managing change

Supports opportunities for positive change and actively looks for ways to improve what they do.

HLA/CHSCM Managing change


decision making
CBHA Making decisions

All staff: Demonstrate flexibility to adapt in situations of rapid change, always informed by a focus on crisis-affected people. Demonstrate understanding of when a decision can be taken and when to involve others. Consider the wider impact of your decisions in order to achieve results.

ELRHA/CPIE Decision making


CARE Operational Decision Making

Makes timely and sound decisions through identifying and understanding issues, priorities, problems, opportunities and probable consequences, comparing data from different sources to draw conclusions (contextual and systems analysis), and using effective approaches for choosing a course of action or developing appropriate solutions.

DFID Decision making

Considers the information that is available, identifies options and makes timely decisions.

People in Aid/ECB shortlist Operational decision making (in emergency situations)

Taking decisive action to achieve goals in a demanding context where there are often low levels of support and infrastructure present. In mixed teams, work is undertaken at a rapid rate and simultaneously to multiple other tasks. People in Aid - Behavioural Indicators (Programme Managers are expected to operate at a different level particularly for those statements in italics): • Recognise own scope of authority and when to refer up through the line; • Consciously follow through on a course of action within a reasonable time; • Demonstrate confidence in own judgment and abilities, but still listen to others to be prepared to expand own judgment; • Make discretionary decisions in new situations where specific guidelines, policy and accepted practices do not dictate specific action; explore the facts of the situation and determine possible options; make decisions and act on them and communicate to relevant people; • Feel confident to influence people that you have no direct authority over by providing key practical inputs to them; • Clarify roles within a response; • Digest multiple pieces of information to make important decisions and be able to explain why the decision was made at that time; • Have the ability to get the job done quickly without compromising organisational values and standards; • Delegate with shared accountability. ECB-project shortlist - Humanitarian Competencies Study report: • All staff: Recognizes own scope of authority and when to refer up through the line. Consciously follows through on a course of action within a reasonable time. • Program Manager 1: Recognizes issues, problems or opportunities and determines whether action is needed. Makes discretionary decisions in new situations where specific guidelines, policy or accepted practices do not dictate specific action. Uses knowledge and experience of national staff and delegates assignments based on skills. • Program Manager 2: Decision making takes into account needs and expectations of both internal and external groups. Includes others in the decision-making process as warranted, to ensure buy-in and understanding of the resulting decisions.

HLA/CHL Decision making


UN XVII. Judgement / Decision making

• Identifies the key issues in a complex situation, and comes to the heart of the problem quickly. • Gathers relevant information before making a decision. • Considers positive and negative impact on others and on the Organization. • Proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information. • Checks assumptions against facts. • Determines that the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and underlying needs for the decision. • Makes tough decisions when necessary.

planning & organisation
MSF 9. Planning and Organising

The ability to prioritise and set lines of action, optimising resources (material, human, financial, temporal, etc.), ensuring that anticipated results are obtained by means of efficient management of his/her own and colleagues’ work and that assigned responsibilities and functions are clear at all times.

ELRHA/CPIE Time management


CARE Planning and Organizing

Establishing courses of action for self and others to ensure that work is completed efficiently and effectively in accordance with CARE’s core values.

IASC 4.2 Planning and Organizing

Sets clearly defined objectives; Plans activities and projects well in advance and takes account of possible changing circumstances; Manages time effectively; Identifies and organizes resources needed to accomplish tasks; Monitors performance against deadlines and milestones.

DFID Planning and delivery of work

Plans and organises work to meet individual, team and departmental objectives whilst achieving quality and value for money.

ECB Planning & organizing

Program Manager (level 1): Project cycle management, Resource management, Operational decision making, Adaptability. Program Manager (level 2): Operational decision-making, Manages multiple sites, Coordinates programs. HR Manager, field level: Operational decision-making, Work and project management, Resource management, Decision making, Flexible, Develops work priorities.

HLA/CHSCM Planning


UNICEF Planning and Organizing

Sets clearly defined objectives; plans activities and projects well in advance and takes account of possible changing circumstances; identifies and organizes resources needed to accomplish tasks; manages time effectively; monitors performance against deadlines and milestones.

UN VI. Planning & Organizing
  • Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies.
  • Identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required.
  • Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work.
  • Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning.
  • Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary.
  • Uses time efficiently.
implementation of operations
project management
ELRHA/CPIE Managing projects


CARE Managing Work

Effectively managing one's time and resources to ensure that work is completed efficiently.

WV PFM 01 Apply basic project management skills

This competency describes the knowledge, skills and attitudes to ensure daily work tasks and projects are successfully achieved. This competency is about keeping the end in mind and getting things done to ensure the quality and efficiency of projects, activities or services. It is also about exercising stewardship of resources and demonstrating a desire to achieve excellence. This can involve using a range of project management tools and methods.

WV PFM 02 Manage projects effectively

This competency describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to effectively manage projects within scope, time, and budget. This competency focuses on technical aspects of managing projects rather than managing day-to-day work. These skills will also apply where staff members are partners in the management of projects.

WV PFM 10 Manage programme operations

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to manage the overall operations of the programme (both strategic and day-to-day), specifically in relation to the programme management cycle processes.

HLA/CHSCM Project Management


financial management
ELRHA/CPIE Managing finances


WV PFM 03 Comply with donor requirement

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to comply with the financial requirements of donors, including governments, and communicate key compliance requirements to relevant partners.

WV PFM 04 Maintain financial records

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to maintain financial records including, daily or monthly financial records, accounts reconciliation tasks, preparing a trial balance, monitoring cash control and posting transactions.

WV PFM 05 Support partner financial capability

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to effectively assess a partner’s financial capacities, as well as actively support building their capacity and improving financial performance.

WV PFM 06 Process payment documentation

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to effectively prepare and process financial transactions. This includes the preparation of financial documents, verification, payment, recording in the appropriate accounting system, filing and other similar tasks.

WV PFM 07 Manage cash

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to handle and manage cash including issues that arise from working with partners and any signed agreements.

WV PFM 08 Prepare and review financial reports

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to effectively prepare and review financial reports.

WV PFM 09 Prepare and review operational budgets

This competency describes the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours necessary to prepare operational budgets in the context of a shared project with partners.

WV PFM 11 Manage programme financial resources and assets

This competency describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to strategically manage the financial capital, assets and technical resources of the programme with diligence. It is also about inspiring and maintaining high standards of work and clear accountability to stakeholders.

working accountably
CBHA Working accountably

All staff: Be answerable to crisis-affected people for your actions and decisions. Collect, analyse and disseminate relevant and useful information and feedback with crisis-affected people and other stakeholders. 1st level line managers: Establish processes through which crisis-affected people can participate in the response and share their expectations and concerns. Ensure efficient and transparent use of resources in accordance with internal controls.

UN VII. Accountability

• Takes ownership for all responsibilities and honours commitments. • Delivers outputs for which one has responsibility within prescribed time, cost and quality standards. • Operates in compliance with organizational regulations and rules. • Supports subordinates, provides oversight and takes responsibility for delegated assignments. • Takes personal responsibility for his/her own shortcomings and those of the work unit, where applicable.

specialised expertise
technical and professional expertise
UNICEF Applying Technical Expertise

Applies specialist and detailed technical expertise; develops job knowledge and expertise (theoretical and practical) through continual professional development; demonstrates an understanding of different organizational departments and functions.

specialised competency frameworks

e.g.: HLA (skilled in the technical disciplines of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management), NIE, CPIE (Core Child Protection Competencies and Competencies for Child Protection Programming in Emergencies), PHPR (Foundational public health competencies, Generic health security or emergency core competencies, Position-specific or professional competencies), DFID (Professional/Technical Competency Frameworks), UNICEF (taxonomy as per job family/level (see GJP)).

ELRHA/CPIE Using technology


UN X. Technological awareness

• Keeps abreast of available technology. • Understands applicability and limitations of technology to the work of the Office. • Actively seeks to apply technology to appropriate tasks. • Shows willingness to learn new technology.